Thursday 4 August 2022

Fascinating facts about furniture stores in 2022

 Furniture stores are a popular and integral part of many communities. With options to buy pre-made furniture, customize your pieces, or have your furniture made to order, these stores offer something for everyone.

Furniture stores are a great place to find furniture for your home. However, you should be aware of some fascinating facts about furniture stores. For example, most furniture stores operate on a daily or weekly basis. This means they tend to have a lot of inventory at all times. This makes it easy to find the perfect piece of furniture for your needs. In addition, furniture stores often have a wide variety of colors and styles. Plus, they offer a wide range of prices, so you can find something that fits your budget.

These are some fascinating facts about furniture stores that will give you a better understanding of what they're all about.

Modern Design furniture
Modern Design Furniture

Major source of income for many small businesses

Furniture stores are a major source of income for many small businesses. In 2012, furniture stores generated $27.9 billion in revenue and employed 1.5 million people.  The average furniture store size is 2,500 square feet, and the average sales per square foot are $212.  This article provides fascinating facts about furniture stores.

Furniture stores have been struggling to stay afloat

In the past, furniture was considered a necessary expense for households. However, times have changed, and now many people are choosing to buy their furniture online. This has caused a decline in furniture stores across the United States.

To make matters worse, many large Affordable furniture shops have closed their doors due to competition from online retailers like amazon. In 2014, there were 1,532 furniture stores in the us, but by 2018 that number had decreased to 969.

Despite these challenges, some large and well-known furniture stores have been able to stay afloat by expanding their online presence. 

There are several reasons why furniture stores are struggling:

People are more likely to buy their furniture online because it is more convenient. There is a trend towards buying smaller pieces of furniture instead of entire rooms, which means fewer furniture stores can sell large items. Many people no longer see furniture as a necessity and instead buy it secondhand or use pieces they have lying around their house.

 Reasons why furniture stores are struggling

Furniture stores across the United States have declined sales in the past few years. This has caused the industry to shrink by about 2% since 2013. However, this isn't necessarily indicative of impending doom for furniture stores - it may simply be a sign that customers are choosing to buy their furniture elsewhere.

Why are customers shopping elsewhere? Many reasons exist. Firstly, online retailers like amazon offer an extensive range of furniture that is often cheaper than what can be found at traditional furniture stores. Secondly, many people now prefer to buy their furniture in bulk, which can be done easily and cheaply through online platforms. Finally, customers are increasingly looking for customized pieces of furniture that can be made to order - something that is not always available through traditional stores.

Despite the challenges faced by traditional best furniture shops, there are still some fascinating facts about furniture stores worth noting

  • The average American household spends $2,000 per year on furniture

  • Furniture stores account for about 10% of all retail sales in the United States

  • Many ways furniture stores can remain profitable

  • Even in the age of amazon. Here are six fascinating facts about furniture stores that will help you to understand their business model better:

  • Furniture stores are a powerful marketing tool. 

  • They can generate a high level of customer loyalty. 

  • Customers are more likely to return to a store if they have a good experience there. 

  • Furniture stores often have a higher level of customer service than online retailers. 

  • The furniture cost is often an important factor when customers decide where to shop. 

  • Furniture stores are often able to charge higher prices for premium brands than online retailers can.


Furniture stores are one of the most popular places to shop for home furnishings. There are various reasons why people love going furniture shopping. Regarding furniture, there is no one right way to do things. That's why there are so many different furniture shops out there. The experience of walking through a store and browsing all of the different options is exciting. Buying furniture can be like creating a dream home. Furniture stores often have great deals on clearance items that make it easy to find what you're looking for.

Author Bio:

This is Mariam Hanif. I am a professional writer with 4 years of experience. My education includes 2 master's degrees, one in Economics and another in Computer Science. I am an expert in SEO-Optimized Website Content Writing, Articles & Blog Posts Writing, Copywriting, and Content Marketing. I have completed various home improvement blogs that get ranking on Google's first page.

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